Ruddy Locky carries Sophie Smith with him to the childen's table, where Sir Josephine Fern of Guttric is dragging Sir Thomas of Wondon to the dance floor.
With Sophie Smith on his lap, Ruddy Locky watches lovingly at Finly Dade playing.
Early next Morning, Sophie Smith wakes up Lady Stefanie of Womdon and David Smith.
Lady Stefanie of Wondon tells her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon, and her brother, Sir Thomas, Goodmorning, before she joins David and Sophie Smith to find some breakfast at the launch area.
David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon are joining the Turainians for breakfast with their daughter, Sophie Smith, and Niel Hauck is serving them breakfast, too.
Later in the morning, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby are joining the table, too. Slim Bellerby kisses Conrad Combler and Sir Leonard kisses Lady Samantha of Turain again.
Finally Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Silas Combler joins the Turainians for breakfast and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh is kissing Lady Maritha of Turain goodmorning.
Lady Samantha of Turain likes to thanks the artists for the show last night, and David Smith thinks, that is posible, because he knows the artists.
David Smith kisses Lady Stefanie of Wondon, who is eating breakfast with Sophie Smith on her labl, and talking with Sharon Turain and lady Maritha of Turain.
Thus, David Smith takes Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain and Ruddy Locky to the back stage of the theatre.
At The Midsummer Concert, Niel Hauck makes a table for the Children next to the table of the Wondonians.The newly born daughter of Lady Stefanie and David Smith, Sophie Smith, Annika and Gielgud Turain, his son, Jay Hauck, and Finally Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wondon.
This table, Niel Hauck will be serving himself with his cousin's son, Charles Riggs.
Lady Samantha of Malbourg makes excueses for Lady Maritha of Turain for not comming to the wedding.
Lady Stefanie of Wondon advices her cousin, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to stay at The Rooster Claw, since the inn is large and close to Wondon Tower, where the wedding will take place.
Lady Stefanie of Wondon asks her cousin too, if she can take care of her daughter Sophie Smith, while she's preparing for the wedding.
Lady Samantha of Malbourgh answars, Chantelle Wood can take care of Sophie Smith, too.
When Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives to The Rooster Claw with the newly married Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Chantelle Wood is a bit discontemped with the fact, she now has to care for both Sir Patrick Jr. and Sophie Smith,
Sir Thomas of Wondon tries to cheer Chantelle Wood up by cuddle her, but he does get a kiss or a hug back, though.
Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens start rehearsing the entertainment for the weddeding with Finly Dade.
Abe and Selina Walden are eger to join Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens in their rehearsels, but they need somebody to look after Dawe Walden.
Anxious to make a good impression on Chantelle Wood, Sir Thomas of Wondon suggests he and Chantelle shall be taking care of Dawe Walden, too, however, Chantelle Wood looks like she can kill him.
Then, Abe Walden, Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic Owens start practising the music for the wedding, while Selina Walden and Sherry Owens are practise dancing to the music.
On the morning of the wedding, the Guttricians comes to Rooster Claw. After greetings with the Malbourghians, the all go to Wondon Tower with the entertainers and Sir Thomas of Wondon.
At Wondon Tower, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg and their son Sir Patrick Jr. arrive to the wedding from Rooster Claw.
They got Chantelle Wood with them as Nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, Sophie Smith and Dawe Walden, amd Slim Bellerby as bodyguard.
Sir Thomas of Wonden eagerly helps Chantelle Wood taking care of the Children and tries to make her look happy.
The old Sir Tomas of Wondon marries Lady Stefanie of Wondon to David Smith.
The cousin of Lady Stefanie, Flynn Flower, gives Lady Stefanie and David Smith the juwelery he had made for them.
Then Lady Stefanie and David Smith get congratulated by her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden and the rest of the family of Lady Stefanie Smith.
When the brother of Lady Stefanie Smith, Sir Thomas of Wonden, gratulates Lady Stefanie Smith, she's united with her daughter, Sophie Smith.
Chantelle Wood looks happy, and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh of her hands, too.
Lady Philomena Flower congratulates them, too.
Lady Stefanie of Wondon gives birth to Boris Smith.
Boris Smith starts as a guard.
Tim Chadwick marries Sophie Smith.
Sophie Chadwick gives birth to Harold Chadwick.
When Lusian Smith dies, Marc Harold Chadwick takes over as sheriff at Lawrow Lake.
Sophie Chadwick gives birth to Sarah Chadwick.
Boris Smith marries Tyra Owens.
Tyra Smith gives birth to Monica Smith.
Tyra Smith gives birth to David Smith.
Marc Harold Chadwick sells his farm to Eugine Flower, to become full time sheriff at Lawrow
Sir William of Wondon then asks Micheal and Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie shall go though the Deep Forest to try get to Filly Point to get some more help to through the Malbourghians out of Wondon.
Asure his mother is dead, Sir William asks Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie, and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank, if they can take the dead body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon to The Temple Ruin and hide there with Emma Valdor and Herry Furlow.
Sam Ewan and Rosalie Pastor are following Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs to the White Cat, where the wife of the sheriff and the cousin of Sir William of Wondon, Sophie Chadwick, is booking them in for an accommodation.
While booking, Keith Valdor asks, if the wicked whitch has been seen around Lawrow Lake?
Sophie Chadwick, replies, no, but her children is home for Christmas, and she can sing a song about the Wondon Witch tonight.
Later that night, Sophie Chadwick comes to the table with her son, Harold, and starts to sing about The Wondon Witch, while Harold is playing, and the frisky Sarah Chadwick is dancing with Sam Ewan Pastor and Keith Valdor is dancing with Arcy Jacobs.